How to Sell and Price your paintings..
The way I see it the bigger the canvas the higher the price, if you price a 16 X 20 for $300.00, it will sell if the buyer likes what they see, if they don't like what they see you can ask $40.00 and they still won't buy it, it's the same when a buyer is looking for a piece of furniture they buy what they like and they will pay more for it, just because it's cheap don't mean they will buy that piece of furniture, so when you paint to sell, create paintings with color like red's and yellows, paint things that people remember doing when they were kids, like skating on a pond, playing hockey in the street, bring back memories, look up famous paintings that sold and see what you like about the painting, paint a town or country where you live and sell it to the people who live there, they may find a house they once lived in or someone they know. Then find galleries in that town and put the painting up for sale, take prints of the painting and sell the prints, the...